Fifty years ago, a half-hour sitcom first appeared on CBS. “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” starred its namesake actress as a new kind of TV woman: professional, unmarried, independent. And very, very funny. This special edition of LIFE delves into the seven-season Emmy-winning mega hit, including its beloved cast of quirky characters, the top-10 episodes, special guests and several spin-off series, that changed television in powerful and lasting ways and painted a new picture of the American working woman.
LIFE: The Mary Tyler Moore Show 50th Anniversary
LIFE Bookazines • The Mary Tyler Moore Show
A New Kind of Woman • Television comedy had never seen anyone quite like Mary Richards. A beautiful single woman more interested in her work than in finding a husband? That was TV heresy
The Series Opener
Mary, Mary: The Story of the Show • In the beginning, The Mary Tyler Moore Show was a dubious candidate for success. Then talent prevailed, viewers cheered, and America fell in love
The Theme Song That Started It All • Yes, it was a catchy tune. Then Mary threw her hat into the air as the song went “You’re gonna make it after all,” and the result was an unforgettable opener
Meet the Cast • Individually each was hilarious. Together they made one of the great comic ensembles in television history
Special Guests • Cameo appearances were not common on the show. In fact, other than the rare dignitary, most of these famous faces were unknown at the time
Ten Classic Episodes • Everyone has a personal favorite, of course, but here, chronologically, are 10 that are universally loved
Prime-time Progeny: The Spin-offs • Three members of the Mary Tyler Moore Show cast were so likeable they were rewarded with their own series. Successful, yes, but none of them could top Mary
The Star Opener
The Artful Life of Mary Tyler Moore • She’d always wanted to be a dancer. But as chance—and Hollywood—would have it, she became instead a widely admired and much-honored actor
More of Moore: In Her Own Words • She could be modest and also cheeky, thoughtful and also playful, sweet and also sassy; yet never insincere, and always gracious.
Roles to Remember • Best known for her comic turns, Mary Tyler Moore took on a range of parts, not all of them lovable
Looking Good, Always • While fashion was never her focus, a part of Moore’s iconic image was that of a spirited woman of adventurous taste
The Legacy Opener
How MTM Changed TV • The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Mary Richards, had a lasting impact on women in comedy—and on television comedy itself
A Farewell from Mr. Grant • Ed Asner and Mary Tyler Moore conjured a powerful chemistry on the show and a respectful friendship off the air. After her death, he paid her a final tribute
She Made It After All • In 2002, Moore visited the statue in downtown Minneapolis commemorating the iconic moment in the show’s opening sequence when Mary tosses her hat to the sky.